This photoblog has the aim to share the beauty of our island and its perfect waves and will be kept weekly updated with the best pictures of our photographer Mauro and Andrea. Stay tuned and good waves!

sábado, 24 de septiembre de 2011

Autumn in Fuerte!

Hello surfers,
september has come and already 3 big swells have hit the island in the last 20 days! All the reef breaks of the north shore were back on fire as well as the Island of Lobos with its long and perfect right hander!

The guys and the girls at the Home Grown surf school with more experience on the board could surf the reef in really good and clean conditions and the ones who were at their first try have been brought to the sand dunes and to the other beaches along the east coast.

Nothing else to say, the waves are breaking good today, so it's time to go surfing!

Till the next...

Mauro & HG Team

sábado, 3 de septiembre de 2011

September sessions..

Hola everybody!
I can without any doubt say that this summer was absolutely a blast! We had good waves, fantastic weather, good parties and, most important, we had the pleasure to host and teach people from almost all over the world, from New York to Sydney from Rome to Oslo!
The busiest moment of the year seems to be over now, even though the surf Camp "Casa Hilda" is pretty full.
These first days of september are giving us the first waves on the north shore making us looking forward to the winter!
As usual, few pictures are below...
We hope to see you soon back!

Mauro & HG